Much of the discussion in the media during the last two years has been about the “threat to democracy.” Stories and polls sound the alarm that the United States’ version of democracy is about to be taken over by a bunch zealots intent on destroying what has become the “American way” of governing. The biggest threat to democracy, however, is cowardice politics.
The fact that so many elected officials vote based on nothing more than whether there is an “R” or “D” after their name causes more harm to this country than any other threat. For many legislators, governing is a game, and the goal is to win and retain power at all costs. It is that mindset that is eroding the bedrock of democracy.
The latest example is the confirmation of Judge Katanji Brown-Jackson to the Supreme Court. There were senators who voted against her confirmation based on the fact their party leadership opposed her confirmation. From a logical and practical standpoint, it made no sense for these men and women to oppose her confirmation, but they did because they are beholding to the letter “R”. Of course there was bias, prejudice, and bigotry also in play, but the majority of those voting no, like Indiana’s senators, Young and Braun, did so because of their fear of reprimand from McConnell. How else can you explain Tim Scott (R) South Carolina, voting against Judge Brown-Jackson’s confirmation?
So it is the blind politics of fear that will have democracy constantly putting out fires to defend itself. If, and when politicians find the courage to make decisions based on what is right and good for the people, and not on the fear of leadership, that is when we will see democracy protected and fortified.
S. A. Miller